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Sensible autonomous machine using deep learning and convolutional neural networks

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer

Source : In: Suresh, P., Saravanakumar, U., Hussein Al Salameh, M. (eds) Advances in Smart System Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1163. Springer, Singapore.

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Keywords : Deep learning, Recurrent convolutional neural networks, Multi-layer perceptron, Raspberry Pi, Pi camera

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2020

Abstract : In recent times, automation has achieved improvements by quality, accuracy, and precision. We introduce SAM-Sensible Autonomous Machine, performing two operations. Interfacing SAM to follow back an object by crossing obstacles and to reach the destination by sensing the response signal from Smartphone through Reinforcement Learning. Monitoring entire surrounding using Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks Algorithm to identify the colour patterns of traffic signal by processing images through TensorFlow and performing turn operations by getting trained in predicting static/dynamic models. The goal is to initiate a self-driving machine, observing the surroundings across a transport region and act accordingly by the providers’ instructions. This initiative brings many real-world things to autonomous creature and the main purpose is to save time from user’s point of view. We implement a setup to make the machine act to various traffic scenarios and to track the user’s location via Latitude and Longitude provided by the user to reach the desired location.

Cite this Research Publication : Marialouis Diviya, Sankar Koushik Raghav, Ravichandran Parthiban & Shanmugam Udhayakumar, Sensible autonomous machine using deep learning and convolutional neural networks, In: Suresh, P., Saravanakumar, U., Hussein Al Salameh, M. (eds) Advances in Smart System Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1163. Springer, Singapore.

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