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Sequence-Defined Dithiocarbamate Oligomers via a Scalable, Support-free, Iterative Strategy

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : ACS

Source : Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 24, 11019–11026. (Impact factor: 6.057).

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Department of Sciences

Year : 2020

Abstract : Precise control over the monomeric sequence on natural sequence-defined polymers (SDPs) leads to their structural diversity and functions. However, absolute control over the monomeric sequence on a synthetic polymer remains a challenging process. Herein, we describe a support-free, protection–deprotection-free, cost-effective, and fast iterative strategy for multigram production of a new class of SDP with a unique functional group, dithiocarbamate, a potential group for material and biomedical applications. The strategy is based on a unique monomer, named as amine-hydroxyl monomer, and a three-component reaction between the monomer, CS2, and terminal chloro group of the growing chain. The fast strategy allows us to synthesize a 5-mer sequence-defined oligomer in 6 h. For a proof of concept, a range of aliphatic and aromatic groups have been incorporated at different sequences in the sequence-defined oligomer. This SDP platform has further been advanced by two ways: (i) multiple approaches for postsynthetic modification of SDP and (ii) increasing the chain length in a single step.

Cite this Research Publication : Pandurangan Nanjan, Anna Jose, Liya Thurakkal, Mintu Porel. Sequence-Defined Dithiocarbamate Oligomers via a Scalable, Support-free, Iterative Strategy. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 24, 11019–11026. (Impact factor: 6.057).

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