Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017
Source : 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Volume 2018-January, p.284-291 (2018)
ISBN : 9781509061068
Keywords : anemia, Biomedical applications, Blood, Cells, Circular Hough transforms, Connected component, Cytology, Hough transforms, Image processing, Intelligent computing, Medical applications, Red blood cell, Segmentation accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, Watershed transform, Watersheds
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : Digital image processing is nowadays widely used in biomedical applications. Counting of the red blood cells from the blood smear images can help in detecting anemia. Since the manual location, identification and counting of red blood cells is a tedious, error prone and time consuming there is a rising need for automating the entire process. A simulation model for anemia detection using RBC counting algorithm is presented in this paper. Both Circular Hough Transform and Connected Component Labelling are implemented for counting the number of RBCs and the results are compared. Watershed transform to separate overlapping blood cells is also presented. Error analysis before and after Watershed transform and parameters like segmentation accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are also included in this paper. © 2017 IEEE.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Aparna, Sarath, T. V., and Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, “Simulation model for anemia detection using RBC counting algorithms and Watershed transform”, in 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017, 2018, vol. 2018-January, pp. 284-291.