Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
Source : IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) (2017)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Forum (ECIF)
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Verified : Yes
Year : 2017
Abstract : Smart Cities uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance the infrastructure components, which provides automation and thereby various services of a city become more intelligent, interconnected and efficient. The proposed work Smart Connected Campus targets on deploying and exploiting smart city technologies and services in an university campus. All the features of a smart campus are networked and communicated through Internet of Things (IoT) solution, by facilitating various objects to be sensed and controlled from any remote location. The proposed smart campus brings in different features viz., university details, on-line resources, emergency contacts, notifications, route map, smart canteen management system, real-time water monitoring system and smart temperature monitoring system all in one platform: Campus Info- A n Android application which guarantee fast and reliable delivery of information at run-time. © 2017 IEEE.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Anju Pillai S. and Narendrakumar, T., “Smart Connected Campus”, IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). 2017.