- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Clinical Fellowship in Laboratory Genetics & Genomics - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Humanitarian-Robotics-HCI
Publisher : FabLearn
Source : FabLearn 2013, USA, 2013
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Center for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, Department of Social Work
Center : Ammachi labs, Center for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
Department : Social Work
Verified : Yes
Year : 2013
Abstract : A workshop on the design of soft circuits in the contexts of undergraduate engineering education and empowerment of rural, economically disadvantaged women in India was conducted at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham in Kerala, India. We report that the soft-circuit workshop complemented existing undergraduate engineering education with increased expressivity, initiative, improvisational engineering skills, and integration of hardware and software skills. The workshop participants also explored the viability of the oftcircuit experience as a source of livelihood and technical education for rural women, and developed a Livelihood-Education plan that will be piloted with rural women who are in vocational training, over 60% of whom have dropped out of formal schooling before completing 9th grade. We highlight aspects of our workshop and the resulting economic and educational empowerment plan that are particular to cultural contexts of women in India, to vocational training of underserved populations in India, and to undergraduate engineering education in India.
Cite this Research Publication : M. Minsky, Akshay, N., Amritha, N., Anila, S., Nair, A. C., Gopalan, A., and Rao R. Bhavani, “Soft Circuits for Livelihood and Education in India”, in FabLearn 2013, USA, 2013