Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : National Journal of research in Community Medicine
Source : National Journal of research in Community Medicine, 2017.
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Community Medicine
Year : 2017
Abstract : AIM:To find the severities status of diabetic retinopathy (DR) among the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to determine the association of the severities of diabetic retinopathy with duration of DR, HbA1C levels, history of hypertension, age and gender in the study population. METHODS:Hospital based cross- sectional studies with sample of 100 patients with DR were selected by using simple random sampling technique with a structured questionnaire was conducted in May to June 2012. The study participants those who with DR aged >35 years were included in this study and an oral consent was also collected from the study participants. Descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate ordinal logistic regression analysis were performed. MS Excel spread sheet was used for data entry and data analysis was done by using SPSS 21. 0 version. Statistical significance was taken as P<0. 05. RESULTS:Out of 100 patients, mean age of the patient was found as 53. 16依10. 81 (range 35- 78)y. By univariate analysis, there was a positive relationship between diabetic retinopathy severity and age (P< 0. 01), duration of DM (P < 0. 001), HbA1C levels (P < 0. 001), history of hypertension, family history of DM (P<0.05) were highly significant, high density lipoprotein ( HDL ) ( mmol / L ) and age were not significant with P > 0. 05 by Mann Whitney U - test. All these factors were found as independent risk factors with the severity of DR except the factor age. CONCLUSION: This study was concluded that the duration of DM, HbA1C levels, family history of DM, History of hypertension and gender were independently associated with severity of DR. However, the factors like age and HDL weren't significant with severity of DR in multivariate analysis. Therefore, by using the availability of the existing treatments and controlling in time, which can prevent and free from the vision threatening diseases or delay the occurrence of DR in their life.
Cite this Research Publication : L. V.N, Sobha George, and Paul, N., “Study on Risk Factors Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy among the patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in South India: Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study ”, National Journal of research in Community Medicine, 2017.