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Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from ethanol using RF-CCVD and Fe-Mo catalyst

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 6th International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials

Source : 6th International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials on Nov 21-25, 2012 (2012)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Chemical

Year : 2012

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : S. Ramakrishnan, J, J. E., Rangarajan, Ma, and Kothurkar N, “Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from ethanol using RF-CCVD and Fe-Mo catalyst”, in 6th International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials on Nov 21-25, 2012, 2012.

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