Publication Type : Journal
Publisher : Tamil Verb Conjugation Using Data Driven Approach
Source : (2013)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Verified : Yes
Year : 2013
Abstract : This Paper presents a novel methodology adopted for developing Tamil Verb Conjugation system. The Verb Conjugation system implemented here is a new data driven approach which is simple, efficient and does not require any rules and morpheme dictionary. There are two options available in this verb conjugator. As a first option, this tool will produce the intended word form corresponding to the user’s input. The second option available will generate all the word forms of a particular word. If the user gives the root word or lemma as an input this tool it will automatically generate all the possible word forms (10, 000 verb forms for a single root). This tool is also used for Sentence Generator. So this can be very useful for teaching Tamil verb forms which is highly rich, agglutinative nature.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Dhanalakshmi, M. Kumar, A., and Soman, K. P., “Tamil Verb Conjugation Using Data Driven Approach”. 2013.