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Technological advancements toward smart energy management in smart cities

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Energy Reports

Source : Energy Reports, Vol.10, 648-677, Nov 2023 (Impact factor-5.2; Elsevier) (SCI and Scopus indexed)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2023

Abstract : The smart city is an efficient and sustainable urban center that maximizes the use of its resources to provide a high-quality living environment to its citizens. Energy management is the most challenging problem in that kind of urban area due to the sophisticated energy networks and their critical location. Battery charging systems, unified traction and charging systems, inductive wireless charging systems, innovative solutions, and innovative operating modes with new topologies for supporting the electrical utility grid are all examples of power electronics technologies that can be analyzed to facilitate the adoption and implementation of electric mobility. As a result, this issue requires a considerable amount of attention and effort. Modeling and simulation are common methods for evaluating the technical and policy effects of intelligent solutions and planning effective ways to transition to smarter ones from current cities. The scope of energy-associated work on smart city planning and operation models is classified into five key intervention areas: infrastructure, generation, power electronics technologies, services, and storage for electric mobility in this review work. Complex urban energy models that incorporate multiple intervention areas are also examined, with advantages and disadvantages, challenges, current developments, and some related applications also highlighted. Lastly, a procedure for creating a better energy system model in the sense of smart cities is suggested, as well as several other final guidelines.

Cite this Research Publication : P Pandiyan, S Saravanan, K Usha, R Kannadasan, MH Alsharif, MK Kim “Technological advancements toward smart energy management in smart cities”. Energy Reports, Vol.10, 648-677, Nov 2023 (Impact factor-5.2; Elsevier) (SCI and Scopus indexed)

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