Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Source : ICDSMLA 2019 [International Conference on Data Sciences, Machine Learning and Applications]
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures, School of Engineering
Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)
Department : Sustainable Development
Year : 2020
Abstract : This paper presents the findings of a critical review of studies focusing on the awareness of the villagers in Sarai Nooruddinpur in UP health and hygiene practices, which was conducted as a part of “Live-in-Labs®” at Amrita. It was found that the people of the village do not prioritize their health over other things. There is a huge lack of awareness about health. The village does not have proper health facilities. In parallel, throughout the village, the systems of health care delivery and financing are increasingly subject to resource constraints. We interviewed almost 25 villagers and it is found that health is the major problem of the village. From our continuous observations and analysis we experienced the poor health care facilities in the village. Our study of poor health care facilities in the village was substantiated with continuous observations and analysis of related fields and players.
Cite this Research Publication : S. C, .P.Nambiar, N., R, A., Sekhar, A. A., US, S. Balaji, Vandana, B., Brahma, D., and Nandanan, K., “Technology Driven Rural Healthcare Practices for the Villagers of Sarai Nooruddinpur, Uttar Pradesh”, in ICDSMLA 2019 [International Conference on Data Sciences, Machine Learning and Applications], 2020 SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology , 2019.