Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Springer
Source : EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
Url :
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Year : 2021
Abstract : From past decades, transportation is playing a crucial role in establishing strong civilizations. The roads were laid mainly to make the transportation facile for humans. Later these roads became mandatory once the vehicles reached the common man. The roads we use for traveling became the primary culprits for many accidents caused. The reasons for the accidents are the potholes formed on the roads, which are to be repaired manually by humans. The manual repair of these potholes takes around a couple of weeks leading to disturbance of traffic, work labor and time taking. The accidents caused due to these potholes on roads can only be cleared if fast repair is possible. The governments, as well as the traffic department, are in search of mechanism which repairs the road and can avoid the accidents from happening. Thus we propose a system that works on the roads in place of humans and fill the potholes using the carbon substance. The machines we propose have a design of a small-sized vehicle that traverses a particular road and identifies any potholes and perform a fast repairing of it. The proposed machine utilizes precise technologies such as image processing for evaluating metrics of the potholes under the cutting-edge technological concepts. The proposed method benefits the people as they can travel safely, and also the government can make use of it for a reliable, fast, and facile rebuilding of roads at a way cheaper cost than the present-day system.
Cite this Research Publication : Bhavan Kumar, Dr. Suthir S, 2021– The Rephaschine- A robot to analyze & repair roads using cutting edge technologies, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing,