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The solid particle erosion of copper at very low impact velocities

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Wear Volume 135 Issue 1 Pages 95-108, 1989

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Abstract : The paper describes the erosion behaviour of a commercial purity copper at a very low impact velocity of 5.5 m s−1 and at normal impact angles. Tungsten carbide balls of diameter 6.35 mm were used as the erodent. The results indicate that both the cumulative and the increment erosion rates exhibit a transient behaviour up to a weight of charge of the erodent of about 100 kgf. Beyond this charge, a steady state erosion rate is obtained. A detailed analysis of the eroded surface and the subsurface using scanning electron microscopy clearly points to the fact that the erosion rate is controlled by the lip or platelet fracture rather than by its formation. This result contrasts sharply with the erosion behaviour at higher velocities wherein lip or platelet formation rather than its fracture is rate controlling.

Cite this Research Publication : B Venkataraman, G Sundararajan, "The solid particle erosion of copper at very low impact velocities", Wear Volume 135 Issue 1 Pages 95-108, 1989

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