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Theoretical modelling and optimization of bubble column dehumidifier for a solar driven humidification-dehumidification system

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Url : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2017

Abstract : Availability and utilization of energy and water are the top most global challenges being faced by the new millennium. At the present state water scarcity has become a global as well as a regional challenge. 40 % of world population faces water shortage. Challenge of water scarcity can be tackled only with increase in water supply beyond what is obtained from hydrological cycle. This can be achieved either by desalinating the sea water or by reusing the waste water. High energy requirement need to be overcome for either of the two processes. Of many desalination technologies, humidification dehumidification (HDH) technology powered by solar energy is widely accepted for small scale production. Detailed optimization studies on system have the potential to effectively utilize the solar energy for brackish water desalination. Dehumidification technology, specifically, require further study because the dehumidifier effectiveness control the energetic performance of the entire HDH system. The reason attributes to the high resistance involved to diffuse dilute vapor through air in a dehumidifier. The present work intends to optimize the design of a bubble column dehumidifier for a solar energy driven desalination process. Optimization is carried out using Matlab simulation. Design process will identify the unique needs of a bubble column dehumidifier in HDH system.

Cite this Research Publication : P Raj Ranjitha, R Ratheesh , J S Jayakumar and Shankar Balakrishnan , Theoretical modelling and optimization of bubble column dehumidifier for a solar driven humidification-dehumidification system, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

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