Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Horizon Research Publishing.
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2023
Abstract : Normalised Error function has been coined and analyzed in 2018 [13].The concept of normalised error function discussed in [13], motivated us to find the new results of Toeplitz determinant for the subclasses of analytic univalent functions concurrent with error function. By seeing the history of error function in Geometric functions theory, Ramachandran et. al [13] derived the coefficient estimates followed by the Fekete-Szego problem for the normalised subclasses of starlike and convex ¨ functions associated with error function. Finding coefficient estimates is one of the most provoking concepts in geometric function theory. In current scenario scientists are concentrating on special functions which are connected with univalent functions. Based on these concepts, the present paper deals with supremum and infimum of Toeplitz determinant for starlike and convex in terms of error function with convolution product using the concept of subordination. Also, we derive the sharp bounds for probability distribution associated with error starlike and error convex functions.
Cite this Research Publication : D Kavitha, K Dhanalakshmi, K Anitha,Toeplitz Determinant for Error Starlike & Error Convex Function. Mathematics and Statistics, 11(2), 345-352. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2023.110214, 2023