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Topological Structures of Fuzzy-Rough Sets.

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Academic Publications

Source : Topological Structures of Fuzzy-Rough Sets, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2018

Abstract :

Rough sets and Fuzzy sets are mutually orthogonal sets but while handling uncertainty they will give optimal results. Rough set deals with indiscernibility by its approximation where as Fuzzy sets concerned about vagueness through membership values. The advantage of expanding rough approximations into fuzzy environment helps to obtain solutions for various real time problems. The key idea behind the construction of Fuzzy-Rough Sets is framed by lower and upper approximation operations are derived from fuzzy relation. This paper describes topological structures of Fuzzy-Rough Sets in various aspects

Cite this Research Publication : K.Anitha, B.Srirekha, A.Chandravadhana(2018), Topological Structures of Fuzzy-Rough Sets, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119(9),pp:277-284, ISSN: 1314-3395

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