Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : International Journal of Health Sciences
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Year : 2022
Abstract : Voicing the unvoiced thoughts of the human psyche and
human demeanour finds its appropriate representation in literature
through explorative narratives. Literature represents an unsettling,
tenebrous side of human existence that has been tainted by trauma
word which means "wound" or "infiltration." Trauma becomes a
metaphor for the struggles and demanding situations of latetwentieth-century life in a society captivated by suffering and
victimization. Literature plays an important part in depicting human
experiences, emotions, and representations of conventional trauma
tales. Motherhood is the most significant and heavenly duty in a
woman's life. Throughout childhood, a child is constantly exposed to
his or her surroundings, from which they acquire their first lessons.
As a result, a mother's relationship with her child during childhood
has a significant influence on the child's future behaviour. Trauma is
a psychological wound inflicting the mind, causing long-term
damaging effects. A child's trauma symbolises a multitude of
circumstances, including abandonment and maltreatment. It had a
bitter experience in its previous incarnation, that lasts for the rest of
LWV OLIH$YQL'RVKL·VGirl in White Cotton explores the inner trauma of
central female characters Tara and Antara, as well as motherdaughter relationships. Avni Doshi describes Antara's experiences
growing up without any affection, care, or love from her mother, Tara,
who abandons her husband to follow a Baba in an ashram. Tara is
unable to provide Antara with even the most basic sense of support
and security that a mother can provide. The novel explores the
consequences of childhood trauma as well as Antara's struggle to
reconcile with the past, which haunts her relentlessly. Trauma
exacerbates a person's experience of alienation and isolation, both of
which are unpleasant and staggering to their life. Antara's trauma is
exacerbated by Tara's loss of memory and her misfortunes, and she
suffers from alienation, which was a part of her early childhood. This
paper delves into the inner traumas of primary characters Tara and
Antara as they attempt to reconcile the realities of the present with
the torturous recollections of the past.
Cite this Research Publication : Parvathy R, Sri Lakshmi Sajeev, and Silpa S, Trauma of shared past in Avni Doshi's Girl in White Cotton, published in the journal, International Journal of Health Sciences ( IJHS) ISSN: 2550 -6978.