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Use of parametric tools in material system selection to minimize building cooling load

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, 45, pp. 4451–4457

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Civil

Year : 2021

Abstract : Operational energy is an essential requirement since it is used for proper functioning of any space. This energy parameter takes a huge chunk of the total energy requirement of a building. Reduction of operational energy in a building is a major requirement in a sustainability standpoint. This study deals with the selection of materials making up the components based on the total cooling loads of a simple construction. A Parametric tool, grasshopper was used for defining material properties conforming to codal provisions and components like roof, wall, floor etc. were modelled. Multiple options for individual components were cross-referenced with other components for calculating the total energy for a yearly basis using galapagos. Genomes were taken as the building components while the fitness function was to minimize the cooling load of the zone. These selected components were compared with a conventional construction and checked for annual operational load. The selected components used 4.89% lesser energy than conventional components. Such simulations provide the builder and the user some idea about total energy used on a yearly basis beforehand, which might be useful in selection of materials.

Cite this Research Publication : Use of parametric tools in material system selection to minimize building cooling load,Vighnesh, R., Anand, K.B., Aadhish, B.K., Divakar, S., Manoj Kumar, C., Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, 45, pp. 4451–4457

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