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Vehicle Routing and Facility-Location for Sustainable Lemongrass Cultivation

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies

Publisher : 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED) .

Source : 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED) (2019)

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Keywords : agriculture, community farming model, Computational sustainability, Crops, facility location, Facility-Location, Forestry, geographic information system, Geographic information systems, Geoinformation System, India, lemon-grass cultivation, Lemongrass Cultivation, mathematical analysis, mathematical model, mathematical problems, oils, routing, Sustainable development, Sustainable Farming, sustainable lemongrass cultivation, Transportation, tribal village, vehicle routing

Campus : Amritapuri

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Center For Research in Analytics, Technologies & Education (AmritaCREATE)

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2019

Abstract : In this paper, a tribal village in India was examined, where a community farming model for cultivation of lemon-grass is being proposed. To ensure effective implementation of the program, two mathematical problems were identified, for facility location and vehicle routing. Solutions to the problems were found, using a geographic information system; the results obtained were compared with a common routing heuristic and a convenient location for the facility. Findings include savings of about 14 percent in the transportation costs.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Ajayan, Dileep, A., Mohan, A., Gutjahr, G., Sreeni, K., and Prof. Prema Nedungadi, “Vehicle Routing and Facility-Location for Sustainable Lemongrass Cultivation”, in 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2019

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