Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Int. Res. J. Eng. Technology
Source : Int. Res. J. Eng. Technology 2(05), 578-581 (2015).
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical
Year : 2015
Abstract : Zero defect management is an idea that gained its focus from 1960’s.The philosophy was put together and proposed by Philip Crosby. It is a programme to eliminate defects in the industrial production, and was primarily intended for automobile production. Since then, there were many researchers and scholars come forward both supporting it and against it. However later the idea six sigma gained very much importance and attention. Nowadays the concept of twelve sigma is at its developing stage. This paper aims at creating a detailed literature based study on zero defect management and its suitability today, as an extension of six sigma programmes. At first the paper introduces the concept, its advantages and limitations, and then a model is suggested for smooth implementation of the concept. This paper has a special feature which is the treatment of zero defects from the basis of six sigma programmes which author feels justifiable.
Cite this Research Publication : Chinmaya Krishnan G, “Zero defect management–a study on the relevance in modern days”, Int. Res. J. Eng. Technology 2(05), 578-581 (2015)