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Currently, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is actively informing and supporting governments in developing clean energy and energy efficiency policies at different levels:

Local Policy Development:

– The university is working with local governments in Coimbatore, Kochi and other cities to conduct energy audits of public buildings and advise on clean transportation initiatives.

Regional Policy Development: 

– Amrita has established regional policy centers in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka that are drafting model policies on renewable energy and capacity building programs for state governments.

National Policy Development:

– University researchers are conducting scenario modeling to outline pathways for India’s renewable targets and recommending policies like carbon pricing to the national government.

Global Policy Development:

– Amrita participates in UNFCCC forums to provide recommendations on building climate resilience. It also collaborates on projects with IRENA to build capacity for developing country policymakers.

Through research, pilot projects and knowledge-sharing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is actively supporting the development and implementation of sustainable energy policies globally, nationally and locally. The university will continue its efforts to inform policy and enable cleaner energy access.

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