- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
The Library of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham – Bangalore Campus established in the year 2002, serves as knowledge hub containing resources not only in the form of print but also in e-resources.
In any academic institution Library plays an important role in the dissemination of knowledge. In fact, the ambience of the library reflects the quality of the education imparted by the Uinstitution. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham – Bangalore Campus has recognized the importance of the academic vibrations required in the library and has been growing in this direction, right from its very inception.
The current location of the Central Library is well planned and is very spacious with a total area of 1213 Sq.Mt. with 200 seating capacity and Reading Hall with a total area of 325 Sq.Mt. with 150 seating capacity. The well stacked racks are user friendly. The huge reading halls of Reference & Periodical sections are very inviting. A special zone has been carved out for the digital library. The well furnished and illuminated ambience is very serene and encourages the students to pursue their academic and research activities.
The Library is fully automated with LIBSOFT, an integrated Library Management Software with advanced search options. The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) & WEBOPAC system provides easy access to the database of books, journals and e-resources. OPAC & WEBOPAC can be accessed on Intranet and Internet to search all the bibliographic records available in the Central Library database through a web-based search interface. With this, the status and location of a document can easily be identified online from any networked computer in the campus.
Library Website & Web OPAC : | |
Public Access | Campus Access |
The library aims to put the motto “Books are for use” into practice. The Library houses Text books, Reference Books, Print Journals, Technical Magazines, General Magazines, e-resources & Digital collections, CDs & DVDs, Project Reports, Question Papers, Placement Materials, Course Materials, Lecturer Notes, Working Papers, Bound Volumes of Journals, Dailies & Faculty publications etc., etc., added to this, the library has a wide collection of general books which helps to increase the knowledge of our students in different fields.
Engineering | Management | ||
Books | |||
38895 Volumes with 14,760 Titles | 7288 Volumes with 4748 Titles | ||
Periodicals (Print Journals) | |||
National | 67 | National | 25 |
International | 2 | International | 13 |
Magazines | |||
Technical Magazines 18 General Magazines 51 |
Engineering E-resources / Databases (Campus Access) | |||
IEEE Explore (IEL-Online) ACM Digital Library ASME: (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Access Engineering: (McGraw-Hill) ASTM International: (American Society for Testing and Materials) J-Gate: Engineering & Technology SPIE Digital Library E-Resources from University HQ-Library: Science Direct (Elsevier) Springer E-Books & E-Journals Scopus (Citation database – Elsevier) |
Prowess IQ E-Resources from University HQ-Library: ABI/INFORM Complete: (Proquest) Business Source Complete from EBSCO Cabell’s International (Directory) CMIE- Economic Outlook CRISIL Science Direct Springer E-Books & E-Journals |
CD’s & DVD’s: | |||
4167 | 469 | ||
Project Reports | |||
2354 | 219 | ||
Placement Materials | 147 | ||
Bound Volumes of Journals | 300+ | ||
Dailies/Newspapers | 27 | ||
Book Bank | SC/ST Book bank scheme | ||
Question Papers | Previous year question papers | ||
Faculty Publications | 105 + Articles | ||
Institute Publications | 50+ Materials | ||
DELNET- New Delhi Membership | Inter-Library Loan service (Books & Journal articles) |
Central Library | ||
Monday To Friday | 8.00am to 10.00pm | 14 Hours |
Saturday | 8.00am to 6.00pm | 10 Hours |
Sunday | 9.00am to 4.00pm | 7 Hours |
Book Issue / Return Timings | ||
Monday to Friday | 8.00am to 6.00pm | 10 Hours |
Saturday | 8.00am to 5.00pm | 9 Hours |
Sunday | Only Reference service | |
Reading Hall with Newspapers | ||
Monday to Saturday | 8.00am to 12.00 Midnight | 16 Hours |
Sunday | 9.00 to 12.00 Midnight | 15 Hours |
All Students of the school are admitted as members of the library. Library membership forms are issued at the library. For using library facility, students are requested to sign the login register, which is kept in the library entrance. Every member shall be required to deposit his/her personal belongings at the counter kept at the library premises. The identity card must be produced at entrance of the library. Without college identity card, no student is allowed into the library.
B. Tech I Year | 3 | 15 days. |
B. Tech. II/III/IV Year | 5 | 15 days + one renewal |
M. Tech. I/II Year | 6 | 15 days + one renewal |
MBA I/II Year | 6 | 15 days + one renewal |
Executive MBA | 6 | 30 days + one renewal |
Research Scholars | 6 | 30 days + one renewal |
Faculty | 10 | One Semester |
Staff members | 2 | 30 days + one renewal |
Members are responsible for the damage/loss of books issued to them. Marking and underlining the text, tearing away pages, soiling books by water, dust, oil etc., are treated as damage. Loss of library book must be brought to the attention of the librarian immediately on occurrence and the replacement cost of the material should be paid immediately. The member should compensate for the damaged/lost book by replacing it with a new copy. If notification is made after the book is overdue, the borrower will also be responsible for the overdue charge. If a book belonging to a set is lost, the borrower will be charged for replacement of the entire set. In case a student loses the book, he/she is be expected to replace the book along with a processing fee of Rs. 50/-. If he/she is unable to replace the lost book with a new one, he/she has to pay two times the cost of the book or the cost of acquiring a new one, whichever is higher.
Loss of a Library card should be reported to the Librarian immediately. A duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs.50/- per ticket.
Materials borrowed from the library are to be returned on or before the due date (15 days). On the expiry of due date, Rs.2/- per day will be charged for books. On the expiry of due date, two reminders will be sent. Non-receipt of reminders is no reason for returning books late. Absence is not accepted as excuse for non payment of overdue charge. If the due date falls on college holiday, the book may be returned on the next working day, without overdue charge. If students fail to return the books within the above stipulated period, such students library membership will be canceled for certain period.
In exceptional cases or during need, the librarian may recall the book before it’s due date.
While books can be freely taken out of the shelf by the students, they are requested not to keep them back on the shelf. Students are requested to leave the books on the reading tables after use. If any book is found out of place, it may be shown to the Librarian / Library staff.
To have the library material issued out, a member should sign the Book issue Card and hand it over to the circulation counter staff along with the Borrower’s card for scanning purpose.
Library books, Journals and other reading/reference materials are expensive and often rare to replace. They are for the benefit of not only the present but also the future members of the library. Therefore, they should be used with care and consideration. No one should write upon, damage, turn down the leaves of, or mark upon any library material. Before leaving the library, the member should satisfy himself/herself as to whether the library material lent to him/her is in sound condition. If not, he/she should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the circulation section staff. Otherwise he/she is liable to be held responsible for the replacement of the material or pay such compensation as fixed by the librarian.
Marking, writing and tearing the pages of the books are not allowed. Students indulging in such damaging activities will have to face disciplinary action.
Library books/materials are the property of the library; they should be returned at the time of obtaining clearance certificate. Also, dues if any should be cleared.
Use of mobile phone within the library premises (including outside corridors) is banned.
The Librarian
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore Campus Kasavanahalli, Off- Sarjapura Road Carmelaram Post, Bangalore – 560 035.
Karnataka State.
PH: 080- 25183700 Ext: 710
Library website