- Program to demonstrate Swing components.
- Program to implement Address Book using Swing components.
- Program to demonstrate loading of file in an Swing Component.
- Multithreading program, one of the threads print a….z and other thread print 1…26.
- Example: 1a2b3c…. 26z.
- Multithreading program to schedule two jobs.
- Client Server Socket Programming.
- Server Socket which receives data from a java client program using JSON
- Program to fetch a particular Website tags when an URL is specified.
- Implement stack, queue, hashmap, hashtable, enumeration, ArrayList.
- Create a table from a java program.
- Update a table from a java program.
- Load a table data in Swing components.
- Delete a record from a table, drop table from a java file.
- Program which shows use of Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement.
- Configure Apache Tomcat and write a hello world jsp page.
- Configure Apache Tomcat server to deploy Servlets.
- Exceptional handling in a JSP page.
- Create a login page and authenticate a user in a JSP page using database.
- Write a program to implement a simple servlet which writes a Welcome HTML page in the web browser.
- A servlet should receive a parameter from JSP page and process it.
- Servlet program to implement parameter handling.
- Servlet program to handle GET and POST request.
- A website hit counter data which has to be saved in a cookie.
- Implement a Java Beans to set and get values.
- Program to illustrate the procedure of handling session and print a Hello world using Java Bean.
- Enterprise Session Beans, deploy, and run a simple Java EE application which does add, subtract, multiply and division using stateless session bean.
- An application named account using stateful session bean. The purpose of account is to perform transaction operations (deposit and withdraw) for the customer.
- The account application consists of an enterprise bean, which performs the transactions, and two types of clients: an application client and a web client. llow the user to properly close the frame