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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Java and J2EE Lab
Course Code 18CSA388
Program Bachelor of Computer Applications, B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications), B. C. A.
Semester Five
Credits One
Year Taught 2018
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
School School of Arts and Sciences School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


  • Program to demonstrate Swing components.
  • Program to implement Address Book using Swing components.
  • Program to demonstrate loading of file in an Swing Component.
  • Multithreading program, one of the threads print a….z and other thread print 1…26.
  • Example: 1a2b3c…. 26z.
  • Multithreading program to schedule two jobs.
  • Client Server Socket Programming.
  • Server Socket which receives data from a java client program using JSON
  • Program to fetch a particular Website tags when an URL is specified.
  • Implement stack, queue, hashmap, hashtable, enumeration, ArrayList.
  • Create a table from a java program.
  • Update a table from a java program.
  • Load a table data in Swing components.
  • Delete a record from a table, drop table from a java file.
  • Program which shows use of Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement.
  • Configure Apache Tomcat and write a hello world jsp page.
  • Configure Apache Tomcat server to deploy Servlets.
  • Exceptional handling in a JSP page.
  • Create a login page and authenticate a user in a JSP page using database.
  • Write a program to implement a simple servlet which writes a Welcome HTML page in the web browser.
  • A servlet should receive a parameter from JSP page and process it.
  • Servlet program to implement parameter handling.
  • Servlet program to handle GET and POST request.
  • A website hit counter data which has to be saved in a cookie.
  • Implement a Java Beans to set and get values.
  • Program to illustrate the procedure of handling session and print a Hello world using Java Bean.
  • Enterprise Session Beans, deploy, and run a simple Java EE application which does add, subtract, multiply and division using stateless session bean.
  • An application named account using stateful session bean. The purpose of account is to perform transaction operations (deposit and withdraw) for the customer.
  • The account application consists of an enterprise bean, which performs the transactions, and two types of clients: an application client and a web client. llow the user to properly close the frame

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