Unit 1
Networking: Classes to be covered Socket, ServerSocket, IPAddress, URL connections – Swing controls – JDBC – Writing JDBC applications using select, insert, delete, update.
Unit 2
SERVLETS: Introduction to Servlets (Life cycle of servlets, Java Servlets Development Kit, creating, Compiling and running servlet). The servlet API: javax. servlet package. Reading the servlet Parameters, Reading Initialization parameter. The javax.servlet.http.
Unit 3
JAVA SERVER PAGES: Configuring Tomcat JSP/Servlet server. Brief Introduction to J2EE Architecture. Advantage of JSP technology. JSP Architecture, JSP Access Model. JSP Syntax Basic (Directions, Declarations, Expression, Scriplets, Comments) JSP Implicit Object (Out, HttpServlet Request, Http Servlet Respose, Exception Handling, Session Management.
Unit 4
Package Handling HTTP Request and Response (GET/ POST Request), Using Cookies, Session Tracking. Exception Handling.
Unit 5
Introduction to EJB – Understanding MVC – Building Controllers, models and views – Integrating hibernate with spring.