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Course Detail

Course Name Aero-Elasticity
Course Code 15AES453
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Free vibration analysis of basic structural members with different boundary conditions, analytical and approximate solutions, response of basic structural members to periodic and non-periodic forces, mode synthesis, approximate solutions.

Unit 2

Static aero-elasticity, divergence of a typical airfoil section, aileron reversal, divergence of one dimensional structures: straight and swept wings, aileron reversal of one dimensional straight wing.

Unit 3

Aeroelastic flutter, stability characteristics, aeroelastic analysis of a typical airfoil section: single degree and two degree freedom, classical flutter analysis, classical unsteady aerodynamic theory, engineering solution for flutter, U-g and p-k methods, response to gust loads.

Text Books

  1. Dewey H. Hodges, and G. Alvin Pierce, “Introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity,” Cambridge University Press, 2002


  • Raymond L. Bisplingoff, Holt Ashley, Robert L. Haffman.,“Aeroelasticity”, Dover Publications,1996.
  • Raymond L. Bisplingoff, Holt Ashley, “Principles of Aeroelasticity”, Dover Publications, 2002.

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