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Course Detail

Course Name Analog Electronic Circuits
Course Code 15EEE201
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester Three
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

BJT: Current – Voltage characteristics, BJT as an amplifier and as a switch, brief idea of dc analysis, Biasing circuits, small signal operation and models, single stage BJT amplifiers, BJT internal capacitances and high frequency model – Frequency response of CE amplifier. Emitter follower, Darlington-pair.Applications of Diodes: Design of Clipper, clamper circuits and Voltage doubler.

Unit 2

MOS Field Effect Transistors: Introduction, device structures and physical operations, i-v characteristics, brief analysis as an amplifier, and as a switch, Biasing, small signal operation and models, single stage MOS Amplifiers, MOSFET capacitances, frequency response of CS amplifiers.

Differential Amplifiers: MOS differential Pair, Small signal operation, frequency response of differential amplifier, Introduction to differential amplifier with active load.

Unit 3

Power amplifier: Analysis and Comparison of power amplifiers in Class A, B, AB, D.

Voltage References and Regulators: Design of linear power supplies, Characteristics of voltage regulators, Analysis of series voltage regulator, Integrated circuit voltage regulators.

Feedback amplifiers, Oscillators – RC, LC and Crystal, Multivibrators – Analysis and Design of Bistable, Monostable, Astable Multivibrators and Schmitt trigger using transistors.

Text Books

  • Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press, Fifth Edition, 2005.
  • Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla, Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices & Applications, 8th Edition, Pearson education, 2014


  • Donald E. Neaman, “Electronic Circuit, Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, Second Edition, 2006.
  • David A. Bell, “Electronic devices and Circuits”, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press India, 2008.

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