- Methods of protein extraction, Protein quantitation: Biuret, Lowry, BCA and Bradford methods, Protein precipitation: Salting-in, Salting-out, Effect of organic solvents and polymers. Protein separation: Dialysis, Ultrafiltration, Centrifugation.
- Chromatography: Partition coefficient, Retention, Resolution, Capacity factor, theoretical plate, van Deemter curve, Gel flitration chromatography, Ion exchange chromatography, Affinity chromatography, Hydrophobic interaction chromatography, Hydroxyapatite chromatography, Paper chromatography, Thin layer chromatography, Reversed-phase chromatography, Fundamentals of high performance chromatography.
- Electrophoresis: Native PAGE, SDS-PAGE, Isoelectric focussing, 2D-PAGE, Capillary electrophoresis.
- Spectroscopy: Fundamentals of UV Spectroscopy, Spectrophotometer, Fundamentals of fluorescence spectroscopy, Spectrofluorometer.
- Mass Spectrometry: Electron Impact, Chemical Ionization and Fast atom Bombardment mass spectrometers.