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Course Detail

Course Name Basics of Electronics
Course Code 22PHY211
Semester 4
Credits 4


Unit 1

Introduction: Circuit Theory: Nodal and Mesh analysis current and Voltage sources, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Open and closed circuit.
Semiconductors: Intrinsic& Extrinsic semiconductors, Doping in a semiconductor, PN Junction, Diode: forward and reverse biasing and energy bands.

Unit 2

Diodes and Transistors: Diode characteristics, Ideal diode, rectifiers and filters, Clippers and clampers, Zener diode; Line and load regulation, Optoelectronic devices: LED, Photodiode, Schottky diode,
Transistor: Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor biasing, Load line analysis, Operating points, Transistor amplifier: current and voltage amplifiers.

Unit 3

JFET: Construction, biasing and applications in switches, variable resistance and choppers
MOSFET: Characteristics and operation of D- MOSFET & E- MOSFET, Digital switching using MOSFET, CMOS Applications -Thyristors: Four-layer diode, Silicon controlled rectifier,

Unit 4

Integrated Circuits: Differential amplifier, Operational Amplifier, Characteristics of ideal op-amp, negative feedback, filters, nonlinear opamp circuits: Integrators, Differentiator

Unit 5

Digital Logic: Digital logic circuits CMOS and Bipolar (TTL), Combinational logic, sequential logic, Combinational logic, Sequential logic circuits: Counters & Flip Flops


Course objectives:
Objective of the course: Making the students to understand, analyse and construct various DC circuits for multiple applications.

Textbooks & References

  1. Fundamental of Electrics circuits: C. K. Alexander and M. N. O. Sadiku, Third edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. The Art of Electronics: P. Horwitz and W. Hill (1989) 2nd edition,Cambridge University Press.
  3. Electronic Devices and Circuits: Robert L. Boylestad& Louis Nashelsky.
  4. Digital Principles and Their Applications: Donal P. Leach, Albert PaulMalvino and Gautam Saha (2006) Tata McGraw Hill.
  5. Electronic Principles: A. Malvino and D. Bates (2006) 7th edition, Mc-Graw-Hill.

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