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Course Detail

Course Name C# and .NET Lab
Course Code 18CA486
Program M. C. A., M. C. A. ( Offered at Mysuru Campus )
Credits One
Year Taught 2018
Degree Postgraduate (PG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


.Net Framework Overview- Architecture-.Net Framework class Libraries-CLR-Metadata-Interoperability-Assemblies-the .net Packaging system-CLR-MSIL , Introduction to Visual Studio.Net-C# Programming Concepts-Predefined Types- Value types and reference type, Classes and Objects, Constructors and methods , Conditional statements, loops, arrays , Collection classes: ArrayList , HashTable, Stack ,Queue, indexers and properties.

String class: methods and properties of string class, enumerations, boxing and unboxing, OOPS concepts: Encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, operator overloading, overriding Methods, Static Class members, Delegates and events. Exception Handling, garbage collector, generics and collection

Basics of Windows Programming- Event Driven Programming, Windows Forms, Using common controls-Labels, textboxes, buttons, check boxes, radio button, progress bar, combo box, list box. Components-timer, imagelist, Menus, Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes, MDI, Mouse and keyboard event handling.

Introduction to ADO.Net-Object Model- System. Data Namespace- Data Bound controls- Connected Mechanism-Disconnected mechanism-.Net Data Providers. Files: System.IO, directory and file types, Stream readers and stream writers, working with binary data.

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