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Unit 1

Catalysis : Introduction, Industrial applications. Rates of reactions – equilibrium, energy of activation and the catalyst’s role, Elementary reactions in catalytic transformations homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

Catalysis in solutions : Acid-base catalysis – catalysis in the gas phase, catalysis in dilute aqueous solution, catalysis in concentrated strong acid solutions, catalysis by bases, catalysis by metal ions, catalysis by electron transfer, organometallic catalysis, catalysis in Ziegler Natta/Metallocene/Metathesis polymerization.

Unit 2

Catalysis by macromolecules, Phase transfer catalysis.

Catalysis by Enzymes : Introduction – kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reaction, catalysis through enzyme, organic catalysis, metalloenzyme catalysis, supported enzymes. Industrial applications of enzyme catalyst.

Catalysis by Polymers : Attachment of catalytic groups to polymer supports, Adsorption and the Kinetics of polymer-catalyzed reactions.

Unit 3

Catalysis in polymer gels, bifunctional and multifunctional catalysis, porous polymers, Applications of polymer catalysis.

Catalysis in Molecular scale cavities : Structures of crystalline solids, structure of Zeolites, catalysis by Zeolites, catalysis by Zeolites containing metal complexes and clusters. Catalysis on surfaces – surface catalysis, catalysis on metal surfaces.

Text Books

  1. Bruce C Gates, “Catalytic Chemistry”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA, (1992).
  2. Viswanathan B, Sivasankar S, Ramaswamy A V, “Catalysis, Principles and Applications”, CRC Press, (2006).


  • James E House, “Principles of Chemical Kinetics”, Academic Press, (2007).
  • Kuriacose J C, “Catalysis”, Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi, (1991).

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