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Course Detail

Course Name Chemistry Lab II
Course Code 22CHY283
Semester 3
Credits 1


Part A
  1. Estimation of equivalent weight of an acid
  2. Estimation of glucose
  3. Estimation of phenol and aniline
  4. Estimation of acetone
  5. Estimation of acid value of an oil
  6. Estimation of iodine value and sap value of an oil
  7. Estimation of Nitrogen – Kjeldahl method
  8. Estimation of formaldehyde
  9. Estimation of ester
Part B
  1. Estimation of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in a mixture by double indicator method.
  2. Estimation of calcium permanganometry
  3. Estimation of Ferrous iron permanganometry
  4. Estimation of ferrous iron using external and internal indicators.
  5. Estimation of ferric iron using external and internal indicators.
  6. Estimation of copper sulphate by iodometry titration
  7. Estimation of iron in the given sample of haematite
  8. Gravimetric estimation of barium as barium sulphate.
  9. Gravimetric estimation of sulphate as barium sulphate.
  10. Gravimetric estimation of copper as copper (I) thiocyanate.
  11. Gravimetric estimation of nickel as nickel dimethyglyoximate.


  1. Mann F. G., and Saunders, B. C.2009. ‘Practical Organic Chemistry’ 4th edition, Pearson Education.
  2. Ahluwalia V. K. and Dhingra. S. 2000. ‘Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry’ Universities Press.
  3. Furnis, B. S., Hannaford, A. J., Smith P. W. G. and Tatchell, T. R.1989. ‘Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry’, ELBS/Longman.
  4. Vogel, A. I. 1985. ‘A Textbook of Qualitative Analyses’, 4th edition, Longmans publications.
  5. Pass G., Sutcliffe, H. 1974. ‘Practical Inorganic Chemistry’, 2nd edition, Chapman & Hill,
  6. Parshall, G. W. 1974. ‘Inorganic Synthesis’, Vol. 15, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

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