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Course Detail

Course Name Clinical Pharmacy – Theory
Program Pharm. D.
Semester Seven & Eight
Year Taught 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018


‘Clinical Pharmacy – Theory’ is a course offered in the fourth year of Pharm. D. program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


Course Duration: 3 Hrs./Week

Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to (Know, do, appreciate) –

  1. Monitor drug therapy of patient through medication chart review and clinical review;
  2. Obtain medication history interview and counsel the patients;
  3. Identify and resolve drug related problems;
  4. Detect, assess and monitor adverse drug reaction;
  5. Interpret selected laboratory results (as monitoring parameters in therapeutics) of specific dis- ease states; and
  6. Retrieve, analyse, interpret and formulate drug or medicine information.

Course Materials

Text books (Theory)

  1. Practice Standards and Definitions – The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia.
  2. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data – Scott LT, American Society of Health System Pharma- cists Inc.
  3. Biopharmaceutics and Applied Pharmacokinetics – Leon Shargel, Prentice Hall publication.
  4. A text book of Clinical Pharmacy Practice; Essential concepts and skills, Dr.G.Parthasarathi etal, Orient Orient Langram Pvt.Ltd. ISSBN8125026


  1. Australian drug information -Procedure manual. The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia.
  2. Clinical Pharmacokinetics – Rowland and Tozer, Williams and Wilkins Publication.
  3. Pharmaceutical statistics. Practical and clinical applications. Sanford Bolton, Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Lecture wise Program

  1. Definitions, development and scope of clinical pharmacy
  2. Introduction to daily activities of a clinical pharmacist
    1. Drug therapy monitoring (medication chart review, clinical review, pharmacist interventions)
    2. Ward round participation
    3. Adverse drug reaction management
    4. Drug information and poisons information
    5. Medication history
    6. Patient counseling
    7. Drug utilisation evaluation (DUE) and review (DUR)
    8. Quality assurance of clinical pharmacy services
  3. Patient data analysisThe patient’s case history, its structure and use in evaluation of drug therapy & Understanding common medical abbreviations and terminologies used in clinical practices.
  4. Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states, and interpretation of test results
    1. Haematological, Liver function, Renal function, thyroid function tests
    2. Tests associated with cardiac disorders
    3. Fluid and electrolyte balance
    4. Microbiological culture sensitivity tests
    5. Pulmonary Function Tests
  5. Drug & Poison information
    1. Introduction to drug information resources available
    2. Systematic approach in answering DI queries
    3. Critical evaluation of drug information and literature
    4. Preparation of written and verbal reports
    5. Establishing a Drug Information Centre
    6. Poisons information- organization & information resources
  6. Pharmacovigilance
    1. Scope, definition and aims of pharmacovigilance
    2. Adverse drug reactions – Classification, mechanism, predisposing factors, causality assessment [different scales used]
    3. Reporting, evaluation, monitoring, preventing & management of ADRs
    4. Role of pharmacist in management of ADR.
  7. Communication skills, including patient counselling techniques, medication history interview, presentation of cases.
  8. Pharmaceutical care concepts
  9. Critical evaluation of biomedical literature
  10. Medication errors

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