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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Architecture
Course Code EEE
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester 4
Credits Campus: Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Amritapuri
Year Taught 2015
Year Taught 2016
Year Taught 2017
Year Taught 2018


Unit 1

Basic Concepts – Evolution of Computers- currently available computers. Memory – primary and secondary memory, input and output (terminals, mice, printer, camera), Gates, basic logic circuits, memory in digital logic – latches, flip-flop, register. Memory organization, RAM, ROM, cache, virtual memory (paging, segmentation),CD, blu-ray.

Unit 2

Arithmetic -Processors, computer arithmetic, CPU chips and Buses (ISA, PCI, PCI express, Universal Serial bus), Pentium processor, PowerPC processor, RISC vs CISC Combinational and sequential ALU, pipeline processing.

Unit 3

Control unit, Hardwired control, CPU control unit, pipeline control Parallel computer architecture – multi-threading, multi processors, co-processors, shared memory multi processors, message passing multi-computers.

Text Books / References

  1. Andrew S Tanenbaum,”Structured Computer Organization”,Prentice Hall
  2. John P Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill
  3. William Stallings, ”Computer Organization & Architecture”,Prentice Hall
  4. C.HAMACHER, Z.VRANESIC, S.ZAKY, “Computer Organization”, McGraw Hill


‘Computer Architecture’ is a course offered in B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

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