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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Graphics and Visualization
Course Code 18CA335
Program M. C. A., M. C. A. ( Offered at Mysuru Campus )
Credits Three
Year Taught 2018
Degree Postgraduate (PG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Computer Graphics Fundamentals: Overview of CG – Video Displays -Color Models- Output Primitives.

Introduction to OPENGL- Points, Lines – Specifying a 2D World Coordinate Reference Frame in OpenGL- OpenGL Point Functions, Line Functions Polygon Fill Area Functions, Vertex Arrays – Line Drawing Algorithms – Circle Generation Algorithm Filled Area Primitives OpenGL fill Area Functions – Scan Line Polygon Filling Algorithms – Boundary Fill – Flood Fill Algorithms Attributes of Output Primitives. Geometric Transformations: Basic 2Dtransformations-Other Transformations- Reflection and Shearing. OpenGL Geometric Transformation Functions.

3D Object Representation: Fractals – Geometrical Transformation for – 3D Objects – Viewing and Clipping 2D Viewing Functions Clipping Operations. Three Dimensional Viewing: Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinates. Projections: Parallel Projections, Perspective Projections. OpenGL Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Viewing Functions- OpenGL Animation.

Visible Surface Detection and Illumination Models: Visible Surface Detection Methods – Illumination Methods and Surface Rendering – Polygon. Rendering Methods: Constant Intensity Shading, Gouraud Shading, Phong Shading. OpenGL Illumination and Surface Rendering Functions, GUI – OpenGL Interactive Input Device Functions. The User Dialog – Interactive Picture Construction Techniques – Color Models – Computer Animation.

Text Books

  1. Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL ”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
  2. Roy A. Plastock and Gordon Kalley, “Schaum’s Outline Series – Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics”, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  3. Foley J.D, Van Dam A, Eiener S.K. and Hughes J.F., “Computer Graphics Principles and Practice”, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 1996.

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