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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Networks Lab
Course Code 15CSE386
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
Semester Six
Year Taught 2019


Client server communication using basic socket communication (TCP and UDP- one way and Two way communication). Experimental study of Application Protocols using HTTP, FTP, SMTP, using Network packet sniffers and analyzers such as Ethereal – Exercises in Socket Programming in C / C++ / Java. Implementation of unicast, broadcast and multicast Communication. Packet Sniffers for understanding the TCP Protocol – File Transfer between nodes in a Network – CSMA / CD – Introduction to ns2 (Network Simulator) – Small Simulation exercises to study TCP Behaviour under different scenarios. Setting up a small IP network – Configure interfaces, IP addresses and routing Protocols to set up a small IP network. Study dynamic behavior using packet sniffers – Design and Implementation of congestion control in TCP/IP Network.

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