- Tests on cement – Fineness, Normal consistency, Initial and Final Setting times, Specific gravity, Compressive strength, Soundness
- Tests on fine aggregate – Grain size distribution – Uniformity coefficient and fineness modulus, Specific gravity, Density, Void ratio, Bulking &Absorption
- Tests on coarse aggregate – Grain size distribution – Uniformity coefficient and fineness modulus, Specific gravity, Density, Void ratio, Absorption, Crushing & Impact values, Flakiness & Elongation, Los Angel’s Abrasion test
- Test on fresh and hardened concrete
- Workability test – Slump test, Compaction factor test, Flow table test, Vee- Bee Consistometer,
- Use of water reducing admixtures
- Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexure test on beams, Modulus of elasticity
- Tests on bricks – Crushing strength, water absorption and efflorescence
- Basic tests on Bitumen.