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Course Detail

Course Name Control Systems
Course Code 15EEE301
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester 5
Credits Campus: Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Amritapuri
Year Taught 2015
Year Taught 2016
Year Taught 2017
Year Taught 2018


Unit 1

Introduction to control systems, Mathematical models of physical systems, Block diagram, Signal flow graph, Feedback control system characteristics, reduction of parameter variations, control over system dynamics and disturbance signals, Use of software tools to analyze and design of control system, Performance of feedback control systems.

Unit 2

Test input signals, transient and steady state response of second and higher order systems, Performance indices. Concept of Stability, Routh-Hurwitz Stability criterion, Root locus method, concept, procedure, Frequency response analysis, Bode plots, Polar plots.

Unit 3

Stability in the Frequency domain, Nyquist criterion, Nichol’s chart. Introduction to design of feedback systems, Lead-Lag compensation networks, PID controllers, Control system design case studies – Turbine governor, Robotic hand, ship steering.

Text Books /

  • Dorf R. C and Bishop R. H, “Modern control systems”, Eighth Edition, Addison-Wesley Longman Inc., Indian reprint 1999.


  • Nagrath I J, Gopal M, “Control Systems Engineering”, Fifth Edition, New Age Publishers 2004
  • Katushiko Ogata “Modern control engineering” Third Edition, Pearson education, 2004.
  • Benjamin C.Kuo “Automatic Control Systems”, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall India Ltd, 2000.

‘Control Systems’ is a course offered in the fifth semester of B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

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