Introduction: DBMS Architecture and Data Independence – DBA Roles and Responsibilities. SQL * PLUS Overview: SQL plus Fundamentals, Producing more readable outputs, Accepting values at Runtime, Using iSQL *Plus. Modifying Data: Using DML, TCL- Managing Constraints -Managing Views. User Access and Security: Creating and Modifying User Accounts, Managing User Groups with Profiles. Oracle Overview and Architecture: Overview of Logical and Physical Storage Structures. Managing Oracle Instances. Control and Redo Log Files: Managing the Control Files. Managing Tables, Indexes and Constraints. Managing Users and Security. Introduction to Network Administration: Network Design Considerations, Network Responsibilities for the DBA, Network Configuration, Overview of Oracle Net Features, Oracle Net Stack Architecture. Backup and Recovery Overview: Defining a Backup and Recovery Strategy, Testing- The Backup and Recovery Plan. Introduction to Performance Tuning: Brief Overview of Tuning methodology, General Tuning Concepts.