Course Syllabus
Database security – Introduction includes threats, vulnerabilities and breaches,Basics of database design,DB security – concepts, approaches and challenges, types of access controls, Oracle VPD,Discretionary and Mandatory access control – Principles, applications and poly-instantiation, Database inference problem, types of inference attacks, distributed database, security levels, SQL-injection: types and advanced concepts.Security in relational data model, concurrency controls and locking,SQL extensions to security (oracle as an example), System R concepts, Context and control based access control,Hippocratic databases, Database watermarking,Databaseintrusion,Secure data outsourcing, Web application security, Basic principles and concepts, Authentication, Authorization, Browser security principles; XSS and CSRF, same origin policies, File security principles, Secure development and deployment methodologies,Web DB principles, OWASP – Top 10 – Detailed treatment,IoT security – OWASP Top 10 – Detailed treatment,Mobile device security – Introduction, attack vector and models, hardware centric security aspects, SMS / MMS vulnerabilities, software centric security aspects, mobile web browser security,Application security – Concepts, CIA Triad, Hexad, types of cyber attacks,Introduction to software development vulnerabilities, code analyzers – Static and dynamic analyzers,Security testing / Penetration testing – Principles and concepts, PT work flows and examples, blind tests, ethical hacking techniques, synthetic transactions, interface testing and fuzzing,SDLC phases and security mandates.