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Course Detail

Course Name Design of Electrical Apparatus
Course Code 15EEE334
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Credits Campus: Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Amritapuri
Year Taught 2015
Year Taught 2016
Year Taught 2017
Year Taught 2018



15EEE303 – Electrical Machines II

Unit 1

Introduction: Design factors, Limitations in design, Thermal design aspects, standard specification.

Dc machines: Specific loadings, output equation, Design of main dimensions. Design of Armature windings, Design of field system, Design of interpole and commutator.

Transformers: Output equation-volt per turn, main dimensions for three phase and single phase transformers, window dimensions & Yoke design and coil design. Design of tank with tubes.

Unit 2

Induction motor: Specific loadings, output equation, main dimensions, stator design, number of slots, shape and area of slots, rotor design for squirrel cage and slip ring types.

Synchronous machines: Output equation, main dimensions for salient pole and cylindrical rotor alternators, stator design, rotor, pole design for salient pole generators, pole winding calculations, design of cylindrical rotor.

Unit 3

Optimization techniques as applied to design of electrical machines; Study of cooling systems. Computer aided design: Advantage of computer aided design, Flow chart for computer aided design.Standard specifications: Indian standard specifications for copper conductor, power transformers and induction motor. Recent developments in core and insulation materials used in electrical machines.

Text Books

  • A. K. Sawhney and A. Chakarabarti ‘A course in Electrical machine Design’ Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi, Sixth edition 2006.


  • Alexander Gray “Electrical Machine Design – The Design and Specification of Direct and Alternating Current”, Gray Press, 2007.
  • Juha Pyrhonen, Tapani Jokinen, Valeria Hrabovcova “Design of Rotating Electrical machines” John Wiley & Son, 2009.
  • S. K. Sen, ‘Principles of Electrical Machine Design with Computer Programmes’, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 1987.

‘Design of Electrical Apparatus’ is a course offered in B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

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