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Course Detail

Course Name Digital IC Design
Course Code 15ECE364
Program B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Fast Adders: Hybrid adders, Carry save adder, Kogge-stone and Brent-Kugg adders. Multiplier: Booth, Booth recoded and Wallace tree implementation; Data Representation: Decimal representation – Alphanumeric representation – Fixed point representation – Floating point representation; Fixed point Arithmetic: Hardware implementation and hardware algorithm for fixed point Addition – subtraction, Multiplication and division with signed magnitude data; Floating point arithmetic: Hardware implementation and hardware algorithm for floating point addition – subtraction, multiplication and division with signed magnitude data.

Unit 2

BDD: Binary decision diagram, ordered BDD; Hazards: Static hazard detection and elimination, LPDD; Timing Analysis: Definitions of Set-up, hold time, skew, jitter. Critical path delay analysis; Design of Network application: ATM switch Design, ATM packet generator and decoder. Mapping Algorithms; mixed logic and entered variable K-Map.

Unit 3

Asynchronous state machines: Fundamentals – Mode Model – Problem of Asynchronous circuit design – Asynchronous design examples; Programmable Logic Devices: PLD’s – FPGA’s – LUT, CLB – FPGA Design Flow – Xilinx Spartan &Virtex Family Devices; Fault Detection & Location: Boolean difference method and path sensitization method in combinational circuits.

Text Books

  1. M. Rafiquzzaman, “Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Fifth edition, 2005.
  2. Richard F. Tinder, “Engineering Digital Design”, Academic Press, Second edition, 2000.


  1. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2002.
  2. A. P. Godse and D. A. Godse, “Digital Electronics and Logic Design”, Technical Publications, First Edition, 2009

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