Unit 1
Basics of electric and magnetic circuits, Principles of electromechanical energy conversion, Basic concepts of rotating machines, Dynamic Equation of Electromechanical Systems.
Course Name | Electrical Machines I |
Course Code | 15EEE212 |
Program | B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Semester | 4 |
Credits | Campus: Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Amritapuri |
Year Taught | 2015 |
Year Taught | 2016 |
Year Taught | 2017 |
Year Taught | 2018 |
Basics of electric and magnetic circuits, Principles of electromechanical energy conversion, Basic concepts of rotating machines, Dynamic Equation of Electromechanical Systems.
DC Machines: EMF and Torque, Circuit Model, Armature Reaction, Compensating Winding, Commutation, Methods of Excitation, Magnetization Characteristic, Selfexcitation, Types – shunt, series, compound generators and Characteristics of DC Generators, Types and Characteristics of DC Motors, Starting of DC Motors, Speed Control of DC Motors, Braking of DC Motors, Efficiency and Testing, Permanent Magnet DC Machine Applications.
Transformer: Construction and Practical Considerations, Transformer on No-Load, Ideal Transformer, Real Transformer and Equivalent Circuit, Transformer Losses, Transformer Testing, Efficiency and Voltage Regulation, Excitation Phenomenon in Transformers, Autotransformers, Three-phase Transformers, star-star, star-delta, zig-zag connection. Methods of cooling, Parallel Operation of Transformers, Threewinding Transformers.
‘Electrical Machines I’ is a course offered in the fourth semester of B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
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