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Course Detail

Course Name English Literature: Chaucer to 19th Century
Course Code 18ELL502
Program 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester VII
Year Taught 2019
Degree Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Kochi


Course Outline

Unit 1

Introduction-Survey of English literature from Chaucer to 19th century-landmarks-major writers-themes and concerns-socio-political developments.

Unit 2


Christopher Marlowe: “Edward II” [Detailed].
Ben Jonson:“Every Man in His Humour” [Non-Detailed].
Bernard Shaw: “Arms and the Man” [Non-Detailed].


Geoffrey Chaucer: “Prologue” [Detailed]
John Milton: “Paradise Lost” Book IX [Detailed]
Edmund Spencer: “Prothalamion” [Non-Detailed]
William Langland “Piers the Plowman” [Non-Detailed]
Sir Thomas Wyatt “Farewell, Love” [Non-Detailed]
George Herbert “Easter Wings” [Non-Detailed]
Henry Vaughan “The Retreat” [Non-Detailed]
John Donne “The Canonization” [Non-Detailed]
Andrew Marvell “To His Coy Mistress” [Non-Detailed]

Unit 3

Fiction [Non-Detailed]

Walter Scott: Ivanhoe.
Charles Dickens: Hard Times.

Unit 4

Modern Grammar and Syntax – Prescriptive vs Descriptive approaches- Grammaticality and Acceptability- Word Classes, Form Class, Function Class-Phrases and ClausesCoordination and Subordination-Noun, Adverb and Relative Clauses-Basic sentence patterns-Types of sentences-Elements of a sentence – IC Analysis -Structural vs. Generative Grammar – Transformational Generative Grammar –Deep Structure – Surface Structure – PS Rules – Adequacy, Meaning,Lexicon-Tree diagram-Aspect Model of ChomskyTransformations-Singular/Double-based Tagmemics-Trace Theory-Case-Government and Binding.

Unit 5


Francis Bacon: “Of Friendship” [Detailed], “Of Marriage and Single Life” [Detailed]
Joseph Addison: “Sir Roger in Westminster” [Non-Detailed]
Richard Steele: “Recollections” [Non-Detailed]
William Hazzlitt: “On the Pleasures of Hating” [Non-Detailed]
Charles Lamb: “South Sea House” [Detailed], “Oxford in the Vacation” [Detailed]


To acquaint students with major trends and writers up to 19th century; to enable students to read and appreciate the works of major English authors; to inculcate an aesthetic sense of appreciation and understanding.

Core Reading

  1. Chaucer: “The Prologue.” The Canterbury Tales. Trans. NevillCoghill.
  2. Marlowe: Edward II. OUP, 1972.
  3. John Milton: Paradise Lost. Book IX.
  4. Bernard Shaw: Arms and the Man.
  5. Charles Dickens: Hard Times.
  6. Grierson, Herbert J.C., ed. Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems of the 17th Century. Revised by Alastair Fowler. London: Oxford UP, 1995. Print.
  7. Healey, Thomas. The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe. Ed. Peter Cheney. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.174-92. Print.
  8. Hopkins, Lisa. Christopher Marlowe: Renaissance Dramatist. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2008. Print.
  9. Kamholtz, Jonathan Z. “Thomas Wyatt’s Poetry: The Politics of Love.” Criticism 20.4 (1978): 349-65. JSTOR. Web.
  10. Gross, John. Ed. Oxford Book of Essays. OUP.
  11. Online sources.


  1. Styan, J B. Marlowe: A Critical Study. Cambridge: CUP, 1964.
  2. Innes, Christopher. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Toronto: CUP, 1998.
  3. Danielson, Dennis. The Cambridge Companion to Milton. CUP, 1999.
  4. Gray, Douglas. The Oxford Companion to Chaucer. OUP, 2003.
  5. Schlicke, Paul.Ed. The Oxford Companion to Charles Dickens: Anniversary edition, 2011.
  6. Arthur Compton-Rickett. A History of English Literature. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
  7. Legouis, Emile, Cazamian. A Short History of English Literature. OUP.

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