Industrial Microbiology, Introduction and history, Isolation and screening, Primary and Secondary screening, Production strains, Production media, Inoculum preparation and inoculum Development, Introduction to Fermenter, Industrial sterilization, Scale up fermentations, Types of fermenters, Acetator and cavitator, product recovery, Industrial production of penicillin, production of streptomycin, Industrial production of organic acids- introduction, oduction of citric acid, production of lactic acid, Industrial production of enzymes, introduction; general aspects, production of amylases& proteases, production of nucleotides&nucleotides, production of alcohols-acetone
butanol, production of ethanol, production of aminoacids-introduction, production of L- glutamic acid, production of vitamin B12, production of single cell proteins, production of yeast/ mushrooms, production of fermented foods, production of microbial insecticides, production of Biopolymers, Biofuels, biogas, production of Bioplastics, Biosurfactants, and Biofertilizers, General rules in patents and practices.
Agricultural Microbiology – Soil general properties, Microorganisms in soil –Decomposition of organic matter in soil-Biogeochemical cycles, Nitrogen fixation, Bacterial diseases of important crops, Biofertilizers and microbial insecticides