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Course Detail

Course Name Environmental & Agricultural Microbiology
Program M. Sc. in Microbiology
Semester Three
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


Introduction to Environmental microbiology-Cultivation of microbial communities: community culture and significance. Methods for detection of community cultures, Physiological, Phylogenetic and molecular profiling of microbes in the environment. Water microbiology: Waste water treatment: methods: aerobic and anaerobic processes. Solid waste management; Landfills, containment types, Composting and   applications. Bioremediation and phytoremediation: biofilters, Microbial polymers, microbial plastics. Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Marine pollution: concepts and remediation strategies.

Agriculturalmicrobiology:Introduction,Biofertilizers:Azolla,Azospirillum,Frankia,Azotobacter,Cyanobacteria,VAM: production and applications. Microbial insecticides.Biocontrol agents and applications. Nitrogen fixation and concepts. Concepts on plant growth promoting bacteria, Siderophores .Bacterial diseases of agriculture and aquaculture.

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