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Course Detail

Course Name Fluid Mechanics
Course Code 15CHE202
Program B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Semester Three
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Elementary concepts – density, specific weight, specific gravity, viscosity – dynamic and kinematic viscosity – surface tension, capillarity, vapour pressure, compressibility – Compressible and incompressible fluids; Concept of gauge and absolute pressure, measurement of pressure using manometers of different types. Hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaces, center of pressure; buoyancy and stability of submerged and floating bodies;

Flow types – Unsteady, Steady and non-uniform, laminar and turbulent flows – Reynolds number; Ideal flow – rotational and irrotational, stream function, potential function – Velocity vectors; Path line, streak line and stream line; Derivation of continuity and momentum equation for steady three dimensional flows – Application of one dimensional steady flow; circulation and vorticity; Laminar flow between parallel plates – Taylor-Coutte flow and Poiseulle flow; Flow in closed conduits Laminar flow through circular pipe – Shear stress and velocity profiles; pressure gradient, Hagen-Poiseulle’s equation; Power required to overcome pressure drop; Velocity profile in turbulent flows;

Two dimensional flows – Boundary layer; Boundary layer equation; Blasisus solution for boundary layer flow; boundary layer separation and its control.

Unit 2

Bernoulli’s and Euler’s equations; Application of Bernoulli’s equations to flow meters – Pitot tube, Nozzle, Venturi meter and Orifice meter; Coefficient of discharge for flow meters and velocity measurement;

Concept of friction and friction factor from drag on a flat plate; Friction loss in laminar and turbulent flows, Darcy-Weisbach equation, Moody chart; Minor losses – Pipe fittings and pipe networks, equivalent length for pipe in pipe fittings;

Flow past immersed bodies – drag and lift, drag and lift coefficients, flow though beds of solids, one dimensional motion of particle through fluid, terminal velocity, hindered settling, Fluidization – Conditions for onset of fluidization, Hydraulic radius of porous medium, Porous medium Reynolds number, minimum fluidization velocity; Pressure drop through porous media for spherical and non-spherical particles – Ergun equation; Types of fluidization;

Unit 3

Applications Transportation of fluids – pipes, fittings, valves; Pump terminology – Suction and Delivery heads, Suction lift, Cavitation, Net positive suction head and Power requirement; Positive displacement pumps – Reciprocating pump and gear pump; Rotary pumps – Centrifugal Volute pump, Pressure raise in centrifugal pump; Pump characteristics;

Significance of dimensionless numbers; Dimensional analysis and model testing – Bucking ham pi-theorem; Application of dimensionless analysis – Flow through pipe, Settling of particles in a fluid, Centrifugal pump, Reynolds and Froude numbers and their use in model testing;

Text Books

  1. Noel de Nevers, Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill Inc., 1991
  2. Cengel Y. A., and Cimbala J. H, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw Hill Publishers, 3rd Ed., 2013
  3. Holland F. A., and Bragg R., Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineers, Butterworth Heinmann, 2nd Ed., 2002
  4. Ron Darby, Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2nd Ed., 2001
  5. Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics, MeGraw Hill Inc., 4th Ed., 2011


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