Linear data structure implementation: Singly Linked list,Doubly linked list, Stack, Queue, and applications. Non linear data structure implementation: Binary search tree, AVL tree, Adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations, skip list, dictionary, suffix tree. Table Design- Data Definition Language (DDL) commands – Table creation and alter(include integrity constraints such as primary key, referential integrity constraints, check, unique and null constraints both column and table level, Drop – Other database objects such as view, index, cluster, sequence, synonym etc. – Practice SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands – Row insertion, deletion and updating – Retrieval of data – Simple select query – Select with where options (include all relational and logical operators) – Functions: Numeric, Data, Character, Conversion and Group functions with having clause. – Set operators – Sorting data – Sub query (returning single row, multiple rows, more than one column, correlated sub query) – Joining tables( single join, self-join, outer join) – Data manipulations using date functions – User defined functions in a query- Transaction Control Language (TCL) commands ( Grant, revoke, commit and save point options) – Usage of triggers, functions and procedures using PL/SQL constructs
- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship