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Course Detail

Course Name Game Theory and its applications in Cybersecurity
Course Code 21SN643
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security Systems & Networks
Credits 3


Preliminaries: Static and Dynamic Games, Normal form and Extensive Form Games, Zero-sum and Non-zero-sum games, Bayesian Games, Stackelberg Games, Perfect vs Imperfect Information, Complete vs Incomplete Information, Stochastic Games.Intrusion Detection Games: Cyber Warfare Games, Games for Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Flooding, Malware, Ransomware. Games for Protecting Critical Infrastructure.Wireless Security Games: Physical and MAC layer security games, Secure Routing Games, Games for Secure Ad hoc, Sensor and Vehicular Networks.Economics of Cybersecurity: Games for Resource Allocation and Incentive compatibility, Games for Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Economic models and metrics for Cybersecurity.Blockchain Games: Game theoretic models for Consensus algorithms, Games for Double Spending Attacks and Selfish Mining, Cheating Games,Games for DDoS attacks.Privacy Games: Games for Identity and Location Privacy, Local vs Global Eavesdroppers, Trust Games, Trust vs Privacy


  • Y. Narahari, “Game Theory and Mechanism Design”, World Scientific

Course Outcomes

  • CO1: Understand the different kinds of games and their applications to Cybersecurity
  • CO2: Learn the different facets of Intrusion detection and develop game theoretic models for modeling cyber attacks
  • CO3: Understand the development of game theoretic models for vulnerabilities at the Physical, MAC, routing and application layers
  • CO4: Understand the interplay between economics and cybersecurity and develop game theoretic models for resource allocation and incentive compatibility and evaluate them using metrics
  • CO5: Learn the development of game theoretic models to model the different threats in the Blockchain environment
  • CO6: Understand the development of games to preserve identity and location privacy from both local and global eavesdroppers.

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