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Course Detail

Course Name Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
Course Code 19MEE352
Program B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Basic concepts: Energy and momentum equations of compressible fluid flows – Stagnation states – Mach waves and Mach cone – Effect of Mach number on compressibility. Isentropic flows: Isentropic flow through variable area ducts. (10 hours)
Isentropic Flow: Nozzle and Diffusers, compressors and turbines – Use of Gas tables. Flow through ducts: Flow through constant area ducts with heat transfer (Rayleigh flow) and Friction (Fanno flow) – Variation of flow properties – Use of tables and charts – Generalized gas dynamics. (10 hours)

Unit 2

Normal and oblique shocks: Governing equations – Variation of flow parameters across the normal and oblique shocks – Prandtl Meyer relations – Expansion of supersonic flow, Use of table and charts – Applications. (10 hours)

Unit 3

Jet propulsion: Theory of jet propulsion – Thrust equation – Thrust power and propulsive efficiency – Operation principle – cycle analysis and use of stagnation state performance of ram jet, turbojet, turbofan and turbo-prop engines – Aircraft combustors. (7 hours)
Space propulsion: Types of rocket engines – Propellants – Ignition and combustion – Theory of rocket propulsion – Performance study – Staging – Terminal and characteristic velocity – Applications – Space flights.(8 hours)

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  • To discuss the effect of compressibility in gas flow
  • To derive the steady one-dimensional isentropic flow equation
  • To discuss the effects of friction and heat transfer on compressible flows through constant area duct
  • To familiarize the occurrence of shocks and calculate property changes across a shock wave
  • To derive the thrust equation and discuss its application in jet and rocket propulsion

Course Outcomes

  • CO1: Apply the thermodynamics concepts in relation to compressible flows and derive relationships between various compressible flow parameters
  • CO2: Understanding of isentropic compressible flows in variable area ducts and apply in design of static components like nozzles and diffusers
  • CO3: Solve for compressible flow characteristics with friction and heat transfer
  • CO4: Develop relationship for shocks and determine their characteristics under various conditions
  • CO5: Analyse the performance of aircraft and rocket propulsion engines

CO – PO Mapping

CO1 3 3 1 1 1 3
CO2 3 3 1 1 1 3
CO3 3 3 1 1 1 3
CO4 3 3 1 1 1 3
CO5 3 3 1 1 1 3

Textbook / References


  • Yahya S. M. “Fundamentals of Compressible Flow with aircraft and rocket propulsion”, 5/e,New Age International publishers, 2016.


  • Balachandran P. “Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Dynamics”, PHI Learning India Private Ltd., 2009.
  • John D. Anderson Jr. “Modern Compressible Flow with historical perspective”, 2/e, McGraw Hill Publishing company, International Edition, 1990.
  • Shapiro A. H. “Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow – Volume I”, John Wiley, New York, 1953.

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal External
Periodical 1 15
Periodical 2 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50
*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

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