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Course Detail

Course Name Geotechnical Engineering Lab
Course Code 15CVL382
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester Five
Year Taught 2019


  1. Specific gravity of coarse and fine-grained soils
  2. Grain size analysis
  3. Atterberg’s limits and indices
  4. Determination of field density (a) sand replacement method (b) core cutter method
  5. Determination of coefficient of permeability (a) Constant head method; (b) Variable head method
  6. Consolidation test
  7. Compaction test (a) IS light compaction test (b) IS heavy compaction test
  8. California Bearing Ratio test
  9. Direct shear test
  10. Triaxial shear test
  11. Unconfined compressive strength test & Laboratory vane shear test
  12. Demonstration of Plate Load & Standard Penetration Tests

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