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Course Detail

Course Name Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR)
Course Code 24SDS551
Program M.Sc. in Social Data Science & Policy
Semester III
Credits 3
Campus Faridabad


Unit I

Introduction to HPSR– Overview of Health Policy analysis, Overview of Health Systems analysis, Concepts, Elements, Key characteristics, Interrelationships, Goals, Boundaries of what HPSR entails, WHO building blocks framework

Unit II

Conceptual Frameworks for HPSR – Integration of targeted health interventions into health systems, Decision making perspective, Accountability and governance issues, Role of trust in health systems, Financing models, Policies and Decision Making

Unit III

Performance assessment – Performance assessment tools, Equity and development priorities, impact assessment, decision making between policies,

Unit IV

Conducting HPSR – Identifying issues and framing research questions in the context of HPSR , Designing a study, Research Quality, Ethical considerations

Unit V

Systems thinking and Public Health – Characteristics of systems, Appraising systems, feedback loops, Emergence, Cascading effects of health policies.

Unit VI

Reading Empirical Research – Cross-sectional studies, Case-studies,Impact Evaluation, Policy and System change temporally, Action research, Cross national analysis, Ethnographic studies

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

  1. Highlight the Fundamental Elements of Effective Health Systems and the Significance of Collaboration Among the Six Core Health System Structures
  2. Differentiate Among Various Health Funding Mechanisms with Real-World Illustrations
  3. Explain the Distinctions Among Health System Components/Operations, Funding Strategies, and Their Influence on Individuals’ Health Care Utilization Pattern
  4. Understanding Governance and Priority Setting in Health Systems
  5. Exploring Global Approaches to Determining Health Priorities
  6. Recognizing Challenges in Effective Health System Governance
  7. Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Systems:

Course Outcomes:

  • CO1: Understand the the Fundamental Elements of Effective Health Systems and the Significance of Collaboration Among the Six Core Health System Structures
  • CO2:Differentiate Among Various Health Funding Mechanisms with Real-World Illustration
  • CO3: Explain the Distinctions Among Health System Components/Operations, Funding Strategies, and Their Influence on Individuals’ Health Care Utilization Pattern
  • CO4: Understanding Governance and Priority Setting in Health Systems while Exploring Global Approaches to Determining Health Priorities
  • CO5: Recognizing Challenges in Effective Health System Governance, Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Systems


  • Critical Analysis: Students will hone their ability to critically evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and potential unforeseen outcomes of diverse policy measures.
  • Effective Communication: Students will improve their skills in articulately and convincingly conveying intricate concepts related to health systems and policy suggestions to decision-makers, interested parties, and the wider community.
  • Informed Decision-Making and Evaluation of Health Systems and Alternative Policies: This involves developing a deeper understanding and application of strategies for making informed decisions and assessing the impact of health systems and varying policy options.

-Program outcome PO – Course Outcomes CO Mapping


Program Specific Outcomes PSO – Course Objectives – Mapping


Further Case studies/Journal Paper will be suggested as per the direction of discussion

Evaluation Pattern:

Assessment Internal External
Midterm Exam 20
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 40
End Semester 40

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports, and Seminar

Suggested Readings

  1. Carrin, G., & Carrin, Guy. (2009). Health systems policy, finance, and organization (1st edition). Academic Press.
  2. Gilson, L., & World Health Organization. (2012). Health policy and systems research: a methodology reader/edited by Lucy Gilson. In Health policy and systems research: a methodology reader/edited by Lucy Gilson.
  3. 1. Newell B, Tan DT, Proust K. Systems Thinking for Health System Improvement. In: Martins JoM, Pathmanathan I, Tan DT, Lim SC, Allotey P, eds. Systems Thinking Analyses for Health Policy and
  4. Systems Development: A Malaysian Case Study. Cambridge University Press; 2021:17-30.
  5. Perić N, Hofmarcher-Holzhacker MM, Simon J. Health system performance assessment landscape at the EU level: a structured synthesis of actors and actions. Arch Public Health. 2017 Jan 30;75:5
  6. Tashobya, C.K., da Silveira, V.C., Ssengooba, F. et al. Health systems performance assessment in low-income countries: learning from international experiences. Global Health 10, 5 (2014).
  7. Derick W Brinkerhoff, Thomas J Bossert, Health governance: principal–agent linkages and health system strengthening, Health Policy and Planning, Volume 29, Issue 6, September 2014, Pages 685–693
  8. Derick W Brinkerhoff, Thomas J Bossert, Health governance: principal–agent linkages and health system strengthening, Health Policy and Planning, Volume 29, Issue 6, September 2014, Pages 685–693
  9. Szlezák NA, Bloom BR, Jamison DT, Keusch GT, Michaud CM, Moon S, et al. (2010) The Global Health System: Actors, Norms, and Expectations in Transition. PLoS Med 7(1): e1000183.

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